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Showing posts from 2018

Theory of Relativity

Disclaimer : This post intends to reflect  only  on the relatives and friends certain blessed ones like myself encounter typically at any sort of family function, especially of the grave kind, and sometimes how the two cents they offer are so ludicrous you wished demonetisation upon their chillars. In the interest of protecting the privacy of the characters in the incidents narrated below (more for my sake than theirs) I will be using fictitious names. It was the 14 th day of passing of a senior matriarchal figure in the family. As per the Hindu customs, this is the day when the soul no longer lingers around and has departed the earthly abode. During the 14 days, the close relatives of the person usually stay together to perform daily rituals for the soul. Unlike the newer generations, these families usually comprised of anywhere from 6 to 14 siblings, which mathematically meant the possibility of fights and arguments was no small number. Yes, fossils not mere skele...